
Christina Breitner
Christina Breiter

Entrepreneurship is a term that is often cited as a career interest, but what exactly does it mean to be an entrepreneur? According to one definition, an entrepreneur is someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture and is the decision maker who decides what, how and how much of a good or service will be produced.  On the other hand, the economist Joseph Schumpeter believes there are two classes of entrepreneurs: historical small business owners and innovators.  Regardless of what you might be interested in, it is clear that being an entrepreneur encompasses a wide-ranging set of opportunities and responsibilities.  

Pre-law Advising at Wellesley: Information for Prospective Students

Christina Breitner
Christina Breiter

The liberal arts education offered by Wellesley College prepares students for a wide range of careers and graduate studies, including law school. This resource contains answers to some FAQ about preparing for law school.

Business and Operations

Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

Business is a large sector of the global economy in which goods or services are exchanged, generally, for money and profits. Businesses need customers who purchase their goods or services. Additionally, businesses require some form of investment.