
We’ve come up with a short list of frequently asked questions to help you out.

If you've got a question that is not answered in the list below or elsewhere on our site, please feel free to give us a call x2395, or email the Copy Center at

Where is the Copy Center?

The Copy Center is located in the Distribution Center. For more information, and a map, see our location page.

How much do color copies/white copies cost?

Check our prices page for information about copy prices. If that doesn't answer your question, please call us at x2395 for an estimate, or stop by the Copy Center.

What are your hours?

Please see the hours page.

Is there a price difference between single and double-sided copies?

No. Our copies are charged based on the processing of each page; essentially, the copy machine takes a picture of each page that passes across the glass and that is where our meter count comes from. Our contract with the vendor prices the meter count regardless of the amount of paper produced. The benefit to double-sided copying is that you are saving trees and helping the environment.

Can you make my personal copies for me?

The Copy Center does make copies for students: we will copy your specialized jobs or jobs for student organizations, as well as your senior thesis. Due to copyright issues we cannot make copies of course packets for you (you may do this on the self-service copiers). You are welcome to copy your resume at the Copy Center. Resume paper is available for purchase at the Copy Center, or you may bring your own.