New York Times Published H. Kim Bottomly's Letter about International Relations and Women

June 13, 2013

Last week, President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China held a summit meeting to discuss relations between the countries. On June 5, The New York Times editorial board wrote an opinion on the summit, calling it “an important opportunity for the leaders of the world’s two largest economies to chart a smoother path and avoid the destructive conflicts that have historically afflicted relations between rising and established powers.” Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly, in a letter published by the New York Times the next day, pointed out, “One important way to do this is to have it happening on the ground, not just in diplomatic conference rooms.”

“As the two leaders meet in California this week, 20 young women from Wellesley College are in Beijing working with 20 young women from Peking University on the challenges of worldwide urbanization,” President Bottomly wrote. “If you ask these young women in Beijing whether a new partnership between the United States and China is possible, you will get a resounding yes, with a caveat: especially if more women are brought to the table, on both sides.” Read President Bottomly’s letter, “Cooperating with China,” in the New York Times.

New Yorkers who missed the Times letter may have learned about the program from the signage flashing above Times Square in Manhattan. An infographic from Wellesley on women's leadership is below, and posted on the Women World Partners web pages.

If you're interested in the perspectives of one of the young women who has been involved in the program, Audrey Wozniak ’14 recently penned her thoughts. Read her reflection on the Wellesley Patch regarding why Women World Partners is more than just "another exchange program."