Newly Constructed Raised Bed Planters Will Be Used for a Fall Seminar and Student Research

June 27, 2013
botanic garden students in empty raised bed boxes

"Who says roller coasters only exist in amusement parks?" The Wellesley College Botanistas pondered on their Tumblr account earlier this week. The "roller coaster" was actually a line of newly-assembled raised-bed planters and the "riders" a group of Environmental Horticulture and Sustainable Agriculture summer interns, summer science research students, faculty and staff—but it looks like fun!

The planters will be used for a new first-year seminar, Environment and Society: Food and Agriculture, and by students who are interested in pursuing independent research on related topics. The seminar, taught by Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Jay Turner, will be offered fall semester 2013. According to the Tumblr post, the seminar will take an interdisciplinary approach to food production and its real world applications. Students enrolled in this class will compare and contrast conventional and organic farming methods through the experimental design of “Farm in a Box." For more information, see the Wellesley College Course Catalogue.

The Wellesley College Botanic Gardens are open to Wellesley students and the general plant-loving public 365 days a year, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Ferguson Greenhouses are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed weekends. The Greenhouses will begin offering weekend hours again on Saturday, August 24. Tours are available upon request.

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