Professor Stacie Goddard Writes in the International Herald Tribune: Put Middle East Peace to a Vote

August 5, 2013

In an op-ed published by The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times, Wellesley's Stacie Goddard, Jane A. Bishop ’51 Associate Professor of Political Science, makes the case that a referendum is a positive step in advancing the Israel-Palestine peace process. 

While some claim this only adds a further obstacle to peace negotiations, Goddard argues: "Far from undercutting the peace process, a referendum is necessary to the legitimacy of a two-state solution. Formal public support of a potential deal could, in fact, be one of the keys to long-term sustainability of peace. Supporters of the peace process should get behind the referendum proposal."

Goddard's research engages with core issues in international security, with a focus on the study of the causes and conduct of war. In her book, Indivisible Territory and the Politics of Legitimacy: Jerusalem and Northern Ireland, Goddard examines how territory becomes indivisible, asking the question: "Why is it politicians appear unable to divide territory through negotiation, leading to violence and war?"