Running, Walking, Studying, and Working--Summer at Wellesley

July 11, 2013

We're deep in the belly of summer at Wellesley as mid-July approaches. Even after a long spell of temps in the 90s with humidity levels to match (and high dewpoints, for the weather nerds out there), Wellesley's campus retains its lush beauty.

Not long ago Wellesley was listed among the top 50 college campuses for a good run by the blog, A Good Run. It would surely top a list like that for muggy weather conditions, when a run around Lake Waban keeps you in the shade and close to the cooling affect of water. Its 2.4 mile footpath around the lake offers solid and varied footing of packed earth, woodchip, mowed grass, and even a stretch of boardwalk, with possible sightings of swans, cormorants, red-winged blackbirds, and more along the way.

And the occasional person too! Summer session's six-week courses end tomorrow; Session II of the Summer wraps up on July 27. Explo summer camp's middle schoolers are out and about on campus through the first week in August, and can be seen in groups sketching, scavenger hunting, or soccer playing. Summer research is underway across disciplines at Wellesley, much of it housed in the Science Center. Students will present their work in a poster session on August 1.

And of course college-visiting season is in full swing. Interested? The Office of Admission offers tours, interviews, and info sessions throughout the summer; check the Admission calendar for schedule and availability. And of course, go for a run, if you're so inclined!

You can check current weather conditions reported from Wellesley's on-campus weather station and find out more about campus on our Visit Us page.