Committee on Curriculum & Academic Policy

A committee of the Academic Council, CCAP has
an important role in the Academic Structure of
Wellesley College.

The Functions of The Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy are to:

  • Recommend to Academic Council policy concerning curriculum and instruction
  • Review department curriculum plans with a view to assuring a reasonable, standardization of educational practice and requirements among the departments of the College
  • Initiate and assist departments initiating new educational policy or practices
  • Examine questions of long-range educational policy and report thereon to Academic Council
  • Oversee the Honors Program
  • Consider and make recommendations concerning any issues that may arise concerning the Wellesley College Bookstore

Membership: Faculty (8), Administration (5), Students (2)


Three years:
Faculty: Eight faculty representatives are appointed by the Agenda Committee from each of the three groups of departments.

Administration: President or President's designee; Provost and Dean of the College or designee; Dean of Faculty Affairs; Dean of Students or designee, Registrar.

Two years:
Students: One representative each from the junior and senior classes.