Ongoing Construction Projects

color coded project map

Construction Projects

Wellesley College has initiated a series of campus construction projects to undergo crticial repairs. The college is committed to reducing deferred maintenance on the campus, and several initiatives are underway:

  • Residence Hall Upgrades

  • Central Utility Plant Upgrades 

  • Electrical and Water Distribution Upgrades

Our goal is to provide trouble-free, functional and safe buildings. Programmatic changes are not the priority at this time. Additional projects will be required as other systems fail in the future. This multi-year inititave involves construction projects, including several buildings and areas campus wide, with some projects already underway. For more information on specific projects, including schedule, activities, and impacts, please view the links below. Wellesley has established a construction specific email address, and hotline, (781) 479-2257 for any questions, comments, or concerns.

Residence Hall Renovation

KSC Pool House Project

Simpson & Simpson Cottage

Clapp Library


Additional Critical Repairs Projects

  • Pendleton East
  • Davis Museum
  • Founders / Green 
  • Distribution Center