Residence Hall Renovation In Progress

before and after photos

Residence Hall Renovation In Progress

During summer 2023, the second phase of the Residence Hall Renovation project occured in Severance and began in Tower Court. This page will hold important project information including project schedule and potential impacts. Summary of upgrades to be completed is as follows:

New heating system for better comfort and to meet energy / GHG goals of campus
New plumbing lines with bathroom and kitchenette upgrades
Electrical wiring upgrades
ADA access upgrades, full at some halls and partial at others
Exterior masonry and roofing repairs
Interior upgrades to paint, flooring, and lighting


Project Timeline:

Severance and Tower were under construction during the summer 2023. Phase 2 of the Tower renovation and phase 1 of the Claflin renovation will take place in summer 2024. No work will take place from fall 2023 to spring 2024 to not interfere with the academic year.